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Potential applications of GOT CRM

GOT customer relationship management(CRM) is a cloud based automation salesforce that enables the small, micro and medium scale enterprises, start-ups etc to automate workflows and enhances support in the generation of leads, Prospects, account management mechanism, business to business sales , Sales tracking, document library, business integration, b2b marketing/e-commerce, billing, invoicing, Scheduling, Quotations and many more. is well equipped with features like web-based contact management software, artificial intelligence powered analytics, business accounting software/ business statistics software, email campaign software, social media integrations, marketing management software, workflow management software etc. So, this multidimensional CRM could be used in many following applications.

Hotel industry:

The use of CRM strategy means different things for organizations in the hotel sector. In positioning on the market, hotels need to compete and develop their brand in order to attract and retain guests, and this requires flexibility of software capacities with the goal to respond to the requests in competitive market and changing conditions in industry. GOT CRM allows efficient and measurable attracting of new guests and promotes loyalty and satisfaction. Besides the fact that GOT CRM increases satisfaction and guest retention, the most common benefits of GOT CRM implementation in the hotel industry are

  • Marketing and process integration in hotel business
  • Planning and organizing of target campaigns,
  • Attracting new and retaining current loyal guests,
  • Transparent reporting,
  • Improving efficiency based on sales and relations marketing,
  • Reducing costs of marketing and sales,
  • Improving business processes and productivity,
  • Recording of all contacts with guests in any segment,
  • Ability to define the type and segment contacts,
  • Historical records of interactions with each guest,
  • Open access and consistent exchange of information within the organization,
  • Competition analysis and entering new markets.

The use of GOT CRM software for hotels must be a valuable asset that enables adjustment of special programs, promotions and services for guests. By staying in touch with its guests, the hotel can gain better understanding of their preferences. The acquisition of information also has a great value in determining the accommodation for specific tourist groups or individual guests.

GOT CRM tool allow targeting of specific guests or tourist groups. Differentiation between individuals allows customizable approach to marketing efforts, and data and those efforts can overlap in a goal of correlated approach. GOT CRM program for hotels is mostly used to collect information about guests and then that information is being used for advertising towards a specific type of guests based on the transactions and loyalty.

Centralized customer information:

Before starting a call, call centre agents will have at their disposal all the essential customer data. Representatives will know who the customers are and what they want, based on the previous call history. This will not only make the call shorter and more productive but also allows the agent to serve the client more independently.

Strategic planning:

GOT CRM will offer real-time data management software that can be analysed to optimize your organization. By monitoring data sets related to call volume, call volume, percent of sales and call revenue, etc. Managers can expand strategies to retain clients and boost sales.

Auto Expand Case:

First, serve customers in line with the top priority. There are always cases that need immediate attention. Therefore, the software is needed that can automatically route the call to the proper customer representative. GOT CRM software allows you to rapidly and seamlessly move calls from one operator to another.

Employee Assessment:

A call centre basically cannot afford to have employees who are lazy or do not serve clients sincerely. Using GOT CRM software, managers can track employees who work well and can manage training sessions for those who do not work.

Integration with other software:

The integration of GOT CRM with third-party software is simple and clear-cut. This leads to better productivity and increased efficiency. Thanks to superior coordination between sales, marketing, and customer service departments, the redundant task of opening multiple systems and finding customer data has been eliminated

Banking Sector:

GOT CRM will helps to improve customer satisfaction and enable a better organization for banks with high quality services, better analytics, segmentation and targeting. All these results will not be achieved simply by purchasing and implementing GOT CRM solutions. For the GOT CRM to be truly effective, the organization must first decide what kind of customer information they want to collect, and what to do with that information. Bank managers have realized that customers have different economic value for them, and they adapt their offer and communication strategy accordingly Successfully implemented, GOT CRM system brings many benefits to the bank such as quick and easy customer information collection and storage, analysing profitability, assisting in marketing efforts, acquisition of new customers, relationship management, client retention rate increase, cross selling, etc. GOT CRM solution needs to ensure that the marketing campaigns of banks are appropriately personalized and targeted towards the most appropriate segments of potential clients. This optimizes marketing efforts and results in a higher level of acquisition of new clients. GOT CRM solution also automates business processes and business activities, and therefore eliminates manual tasks resulting in reduction of error possibilities and process time.

Insurance sector:

The insurance sector is one of those sectors where the financial institution has a special relationship with its customers, and data warehousing and GOT CRM solutions offer significant benefits to the organization that uses them. Some of them are

  • Determining the price of the product. This allows the organization to indicate the most important factors that will be taken into account with the policy of defining the insurance price, and questions who is going to be insured and by what price.
  • The impact of price change. With the estimation of impact of the proposed price for each customer in determining the level of insurance premiums by the insurance commission and with communication with each customer in particular, customer retention can be improved even after the increase of insurance premiums.
  • Reserves. Deciding on the level of reserves required to be held for liquidity and to cover possible losses.
  • Reduced number of frauds. Identifying patterns of fraud can reduce fraudulent insurance claims.
  • Identification of services. To control costs, improve customer satisfaction and reduce repeating violations in data warehouse, low cost and high quality service can be identified.
  • Analysis and geographic clustering of risk. Natural disasters - hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and the like can be analyzed as a risk to be effectively sold through reinsurance, and to prevent catastrophic losses due to an event.
  • Analysis of an agent's insurance sales. Based on productivity of product and sales, the organization can monitor the work of its agents.

Healthcare sector:

Corporate image, patient satisfaction and loyalty can help health care organizations to compete in a highly competitive environment. GOT CRM system plays an important role in hospitals. It enables the following

  • Optimization of revenue and improvement of patient health, relationships and loyalty;
  • Enables greater return on investment ROI, and that seems to be the perfect solution for big problems in health care
  • Essentially a cost-effective approach in order to maintain a long-term relationships with patients;
  • Increasing transparency of costs and resource allocation within the hospital;
  • Mapping documents in the treatment of patients is a major area of cost reduction that allows GOT CRM systems to effectively manage hospitals;
  • Reduce costs associated with the patients not attending or cancelling appointments.

Higher education:

GOT CRM solutions for higher education institutions make a fast, flexible and affordable solution that delivers a higher level of efficiency with tools that can help the university management to manage the daily activities and make well informed decisions. On the one hand, higher education GOT CRM provides a clear and complete picture of each individual user (student) and all the activities the user performs within the institution. On the other hand, GOT CRM allows students to carry out interactions with the university as a separate entity by providing a clear understanding of its statute within the organization.

For students this includes information on enrolment, registration, financial aid, student accounts and accommodation. Students are categorized as primary beneficiaries of education and therefore should be viewed as customers. The emphasis on continuous improvement is critical to the sustainability of high-quality services which an educational institution provides to students. Seen from the perspective of GOT CRM, the concept of student life cycle can be displayed in the stages through which the student passes when considering and using the services of the educational institution, in order to form a student life cycle. The phases through which students pass during their life cycle are as follows

  • Prospect – a student who could be a potential candidate for the school;
  • Candidate – a potential student who is in the process of gathering information and forming an opinion about the school;
  • Applicant – a student who decided to enroll in the institution;
  • Accepted student – a student whom the school has decided to accept;
  • Enrolled student – the stage where the student becomes a part of the institution;
  • Alumni – at this stage, students are satisfied with their academic experience creating long-term loyalty to their school.


Today, due to the impact of the crisis, agricultural organizations are faced with the question of how to increase sales. One dimension is the competitive environment in which companies are forced to descend due to competitive prices and add new services to retain their customers. But sometimes that is not enough to keep the customer because customers become more demanding and it is harder to satisfy them. A lot of the attention is focused on GOT CRM strategy as a management process to increase the performance of agricultural organizations. Attention should also be paid to how the GOT CRM programs are implemented and how they are managed, and what impact they have on the performance of agricultural organizations.

There are six activities that should include GOT CRM program for agricultural businesses

  • GOT CRM goals – some of the most important goals of the agricultural enterprises that directly affect the performance of these organizations are maintaining long term relationships with customers, customer retention, gaining the reputation of fairness with customers, providing value to customers, increasing customer loyalty, achieving mutual trust with customers, increasing customer satisfaction with products and services;
  • Types of available customer information – ability that is of key essence for the success of agricultural organizations is to collect information about prices and customer lifecycle. Most of the operational units of agricultural organizations do not collect nor have access to information about the price of services.
  • Use of customer data for management decision-making – the success of GOT CRM in agricultural organizations depends on the extent of how much their operational units use customer information. Assessment of marketing strategies for products and services and customer segmentation based on the value that each customer has for the organization is the key to success in an agricultural organization;
  • Market approach – when approaching the market, agricultural organizations need to use strategies such as: superior quality, superior service, product differentiation, innovation, customized offer of products and services, as well as lower prices;
  • Tactics that are used in order to develop and maintain the customer relationship – one advantage that agricultural organizations have compared to the other business models is that they can gain complete trust of their targeted group;
  • Assessment of the technological infrastructure that is currently used – GOT CRM solutions are designed to provide knowledge that is necessary for the development and implementation of "smart" strategy to maximize customer profit, and thus provide the competitive advantage of organizations. Analysis of GOT CRM technology can help organizations to understand the customer and it is not necessary to react again when a problem occurs, but proactively find hidden opportunities to meet the increasing demands of customers.


Apart from being a powerful tool, the benefits of GOT CRM are endless. It helps you to organize & centralized your database, thus offering valuable aid to all your employees. It assists you in strengthening your relationship with your customers and at the same time provide you with valuable business insights, which could help to accelerate your business growth.

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